INTEGRART aims to develop a comprehensive system supporting the integration of migrants using digital tools supporting creativity through ART.

The project is designed to create a new innovative digital solution and foster active learning among migrants, especially migrant women. Migrants’ successful integration enriches and contributes toward the development of mainstream society. In those efforts, informal education and “peer-to-peer” learning play a significant role. In this project, we support the development of skills, including language proficiency and social and soft skills, through creativity and art.

Migrant community in ARTS

To support the integration efforts, we created a Community of Practice and Art to involve migrants in helping their peer group boost creativity, knowledge and skills and integrate them into the host society. The project involves migrants as co-designers and co-creators to explore the best music-driven artistic projects for better integration efforts. The participants – migrants – work in different environments – online, in the meetings and workshops – to design, create, select, filter and test music-based visual, text and multimedia resources supporting integration efforts.

INTEGRART project builds an innovative system supporting a new generation of competent and creative migrants. The base of the training is the 2018 Horizon Europe seal of excellence award-winning platform SMRT.BIO, which measures strengths and passion through psychometric tests. 

We created the Polish – Dutch – Norwegian partnership to address the integration issues in Poland and other European countries, especially the integration of migrants from Ukraine and Eastern Europe and those coming from Poland to the Netherlands and Norway.